My Reflection on my Production Item
What is the storyline of the production?
The Mythological story is about how the South Island was made. Rangi sky father and Papa Earth mother decided send their four sons to look at the new earth in a waka. That their father gave them before it ended. Aoraki sailed and sailed then Aoraki was flung onto one of the rocks the brother scrambled on top of the canoe the brothers sat and sat. The brothers grew old their hair turned white and their bodies hardened up into great stone mountains. Tu was sailing and saw the broken canoe and the land. then Tu made a deep gorge in the land and papa earth mother is not happy so she tells him to make the land better then land becomes very beautiful with fruit trees tall mountains rushing rivers deep lakes wide plains and sandy shores Hine nui ete po was so pleased with the land that she gave tu a gift.
Who are the actors who are the backstage hands who make the props and putting things on the stage?
The actors are Aoraki-Latham Rakirua-Cyprus Rakiroa-Creedence Rarakiroa-Thomas Papa Earth Mother-Lavinia Rangi Sky Father-Halaiano Tu-Patrick Tu’s friends-Samantha,Caitlin,Oh’Smar and Jasmine Hine Nui Ete Po-Fine and Narrator-Angel and some people are ducks fruit tree ect and Mosquito-Yvette Yr 7/8 are backstage,Miss Paton is backstage doing the music.
What role is room 5 taking in the school production?
The role Roome 5 is doing in the production is Aoraki-Southern Alps
What props need to be made or need to be completed?
The waka, the second waka for Tu Yvette’s costume
How are you making costumes and other props?
Miss Paton has helped made most of the costumes and measuring people and Mrs Kelly has helped with the costumes and painting some things so that has been very helpful. Everybody in the classroom has painted props and has helped with the costumes so it is a class effort.
Do people who are learning their lines need more practice or are they making good progress?
Fine is doing a good job she needs to do have a louder voice when she is speaking and make a more of an entrance. Patrick needs to have more expression, I need to slow down when I am speaking.
Are actors using both their voices and bodies to show expression?
Everybody needs to have expression by everybody I mean myself Patrick, Fine, Angel and Halaiano
What needs to be improved?
Everybody who hears their cue they need to act on it, I need to slow down when I am speaking and Everybody else is doing great but everybody who has a speaking part needs to have more expression.